Nerve Pain
Nerve damage or nerve impingement is a common cause for leg pain. Damage to the peripheral nerves is called Peripheral Neuropathy. Leg pain may also be associated with degeneration of the spine, causing inflammation of the nerves affecting the legs. A common cause of leg pain while standing and walking is Neurogenic Claudication. Click on the links below to learn more about these conditions and treatments we offer.
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to your peripheral nerves. This can often cause weakness, numbness and worst of all pain. It can also affect other areas of your body, most commonly feet and hands. The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is Diabetes. Traditional first line treatments include oral mediations. But what happens when these medications stop working or their side effects inhibit your life, such as dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, and fatigue? How about nerve stimulation?
Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetes Mellitus
Traumatic injuries,
Metabolic problems,
Inherited causes
Exposure to toxins
Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy
Gradual onset of numbness, prickling or tingling in your feet or hands, which can spread upward into your legs and arms
Sharp, jabbing, throbbing, freezing or burning pain
Extreme sensitivity to touch
Lack of coordination and falling
Muscle weakness or paralysis if motor nerves are affected
Spinal cord stimulation has been used for the relief of chronic, intractable pain for over 2 decades. Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) systems work by interrupting pain signal before they reach the brain to help you manage your pain and lead a fuller life. The goal for spinal cord stimulation is a 50-70% reduction in pain.
The procedure initially involves a trial or temporary placement of stimulation leads for up to one week to determine if the patient will receive adequate pain relief prior to undergoing permanent placement. This is one of the few times a patient can take a test drive prior to a procedure. If the patient receives significant relief and wants to move forward with permanent placement, the procedure is performed approximately 2-4 weeks later.
SCS procedure is an outpatient procedure which takes approximately 20 minutes for the initial trial procedure and 45 minutes for permanent placement. While receiving light sedation, the areas of your back and buttock are prepped where the leads and generator are to be placed. Local anesthetic will be used to numb the incisions. The electrode leads are inserted with the aid of fluoroscopy into the epidural space. The leads are connected to a small generator/battery that is placed under the skin overlying the buttocks. This is similar to placement of a pacemaker in the chest. The patient is then watched in the holding area for 30-60 minutes and discharged home.
Neurogenic Claudication
Neurogenic = arising in the nervous system, Claudication= leg pain, heaviness and/or weakness with walking.
Neurogenic claudication results from compression of the spinal nerves in the lumbar (lower) spine. It is sometimes known as pseudoclaudication. It differs from vascular claudication, sometimes simply called claudication, which is caused by impaired blood flow to the leg muscles.
Symptoms of Neurogenic Claudication
Causes of Neurogenic Claudication
pain, tingling, or cramping in one or both legs, hips, and buttocks.
Weakness or heaviness in the legs.
Symptoms are especially present when standing upright or walking
Symptoms usually relieved with leaning forward or sitting down.
Bone spurs
Bulging discs
Herniated discs
Facet joint cysts
Arthritis of the spine